Confusion and Dismay
Inside of me are voices, or, maybe a better word to use would be forces or vices, and each one is fighting for control, for attention, to do what they want, to accomplish what they think our goal should be for each force cannot be distinguished from me, each voice is a part of me, an outside force that has merged with my voice, and now my voice and all these other voices fight for control, and if it was only one maybe I would have a chance, but it's not just one, it's many, a new one pops up sporadically, some die only to be revived, all mixing in with my voice, my power and my goals, constantly interfering, so much so that no one gets to their goal, not even close, but they still reek havoc on me, my mind, body and soul, while they fight for their goals to be high, skinny, be one of the cool kids and light up a smoke, get wasted, just like everyone else does, is, and I sometimes listen to these voices, and they get what they want, but I put a stop to it before they can complete their goal and have me dead, but all this fighting and struggling, and goddam confusion gives me no time for me and my goals.