My Friend
Standing in front of the department two weeks into first year registration at the university, I felt an itch on the back of my neck. The type you get when there's a sniper out for you. Just said that because that's what they say in the movies. I turned slightly to the left and there she was; the lady in green, or was it blue, storming towards me and my course mate. But she wasn't angry. She wore her big smile like a lighthouse's beacon. "Hi", she said, "Please where is the department of that and that". well, not that and that precisely but I cant quite remember now. Then, before we could answer, she added, "I want to know what the process for registration is". That got my brain going. I was so sorry that she had come late and I said as much. It was a Friday so we told her to come back the next week and find out but we pointed out that she was late. Of course she already knew but, realizing that you were earlier that someone else in first year, you kinda had the edge. During the weekend, I totally forgot the whole incident, forgot we had exchanged numbers and names until I got the call on Monday confirming she had come to school. By the way, the lady became my best friend. And still is, not that she stopped being that. Or am i confusing myself