This road has come to yet another dead end
Wondering should I turn back or just play dead
I’ve decided to take flight, must transcend instead
My strength and will both put through a rigorous test
In which I loved, laughed, gained, lost, healed and bled
And turning my soul as fierce as my beard is Red
To keep my third eye open, I no longer want the meds
Leaving me impervious to slander, what he or she says
I took the time I needed to in order to learn who I am
I’m grateful for those who picked up where I slacked
And who lifted me up, instead of turning their backs
It’s the expectation itself, not I, that makes you mad
In reality, everyone must realize, no one owes us jack
I could have left anytime, afraid I’d turn your soul black
Or get so high, I would never see another landing pad
I may waiver, but perseverance is not a trait I have lacked
Nothing’s forever, many friends turned ancient artifacts
I am St. Nicholas however, of course I always have presence
In your soul, I have planted seeds of valuable life lessons
If you nurture them, they will continue to grow so impressive
All loss deserves grief but they also should bring appreciation
It could be a shorter ride than I thought, I'm back on track again
My dream, I’d change the world even if it was just as One Man
No desire for the fame or my name on some gold plaque
For the greater good, a concept we no longer seem to understand
I’m spreading the Word, rewritten as if it was His own right hand
God has given me the gift as a tool to help share Words unspoken
I refuse to watch time go by in a circle, it's just a waste of two hands
I'd rather be able to see clearly, perhaps looking through an hourglass
Because before too long, it will drop the last grain of sand
Forever dreaming, because a dream untouched is just that
There’s no better time than now, I’m going to make it a fact