Ignorance in Nigeria
They had landed in Lagos, Nigeria.
"It's so civilized!" They exclaimed.
Well seeing as how it's a civilization, I'd hope so.
"Is this truly Africa?"
I would sincerely hope that you'd know where you've spent the last 22 hours trying to get to(Forget the fact that you bypassed the country, but rather questioned whether or not we were in the right continent. What would you do if I said 'Ah! You know what? I accidentally brought you to the United Arab Emirates. Sorry about that!). But for good measure, I'll just say "Yes."
"Wow! It's unbelievable."
Well believe it, you'll be here for the next ten days.
"But there's an actual house here, and... it's so beautiful, how did this happen?!?"
Okay, I'm starting to question their intelligence. "Well you see, there's this thing called building. We acquired the necessary materials, supplied the budget and hired workers. Add that to the beauty of nature and voila~ Crazy, no?
"Wow. But where are the teepee's?"
"Teepee's didn't originate in Nigeria." The real question is, if you didn't see any teepee's during the 6 hour road trip we just took, why ask me now? Either way, "I don't know."
"I'm sorry, we didn't mean to offend you. It's just all so new."
"No, I'm not offended." Just try to limit the straight ignorance coming out of your mouth.
"So, can you speak African?"
Here we go.
I'd like to point that this is a true story and don't worry, I've gave them a good (mental) tongue lashing after that last question .... and then calmly said "no."