Harry Situation Reviews: Prose
If anyone's going to write an honest review about Prose, it might as well be its unofficial reviewer, right?
Prose is a website likely established less than two years ago and has since became an ever-growing community of experienced and kickstarting writers, as well as people who enjoy writing as a hobby, such as yours truly. What can I say about Prose? As usual, we gotta go over the positives; and believe me there are plenty of positives.
Obviously the biggest is its community. You will meet some of the most talented and interactive folks on any website. I've been on two other writing sites before and their members could not compare to this. Your posts will always get some kind of feedback whether it's a like or a kind comment from somebody; and the feedback is one-hundred percent awesomely kind. Well maybe 99% to me, that's because some a-hole really disliked my content. But I didn't take it to heart, especially when I know some extraordinary members who enjoy what I write about. Other than that the people here, or Prosers as they're called, will always give you positive feedback and a little constructive criticism that helps you along as you improve your writing skills.
Another thing I like about Prose is the challenges. The administrators here usually create a challenge per week but they've also allowed its members to create their own challenges. You can set one in any portal you choose and have it at any word length you'd please. And the challenges that everyone comes up with are genuinely amazing. It gets the Proser to come up with some clever posts and lets them think outside the box. I love reading what folks have come up with.
Prose has its content separate into different genres that they call portals. These range from Education, LGBT, Nonfiction, Science Fiction, etc. I generally stick to the Review & Fiction portals when it comes to posting content. Trust me, whichever portal you click on you'll find some amazing stuff.
But no website is without sin. What are some honest negatives that I can think of? Bugs happen commonly on the site, which is why it is important that if you find a bug that you report it to one of the admins right away. It wasn't too long ago that I noticed that I could not add any chapters to my books and I informed Sammie (Prose Admin) about it.
Also when I first signed on there was no limit to the how many words you can have per challenge you create, and now they've set it up that every challenge generated must have a minimum word length of 15 words. Yet this does not affect you if you're a Prose Partner? What the hell, Prose? What the hell? Please, as I am down on my knees and begging, remove the word limit.
I don't think I can add anymore to say about how awesome Prose is other than you'll have to find out for yourself. I'm very happy to be apart of this community, and I am happy Prose has given me a chance to write again. I'm also happy that my reviews are entertaining some folks, and I'm honestly happy folks are enjoying my 'Sins of the Father' stories. I've honestly had some Prosers of religious faith tell me how much they've enjoyed reading about the devil being a father figure. Either people are as crazy as I am or I'm doing something right. Whatever the reason, I keep coming back every time, and I love reading whatever everyone posts on this awesome website.
Final Grade: A+
So yeah, I did it. I reviewed Prose. What are your thoughts about Prose? What do you love about it? If you're new, what do you think so far? What's your favorite portal? And if you're not a member, are you considering joining? JOIN US! JOOIIINN UUUUUSSS! As always please be kind, leave a like and comment, and check out all that is posted right here on Prose!