Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue
Legendary county singer Toby Keith has sadly passed away at the age of 62 after battling with stomach cancer. I used to listen to him a lot when I was younger. Even after I lost my taste in country music, Toby Keith was still a favorite of mine. My favorites were "As Good As I Once Was", "American Ride", "Beer for My Horses", and "American Soldier". And of course, how can you not feel patriotic after listening to "Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue"?
Honestly, it's been a while since I listened to any of his songs. Like I said, my taste in music shifted as I got older, listening to more rock/metal. As I write this, listening to one of his songs, I can't help but shed a tear. He was a true inspiration to me and many Americans. He loved this country, flaws and all, like every American.
Tonight, I'll raise a glass for you, Toby. Whiskey for my men and beer for my horses.
"Don't compromise even if it hurts to be yourself."
-Toby Keith (1961-2024)
Rest in peace, legend.
#tribute #RIP #legend #country #patriot
The Hollywood Champion
Carl Weathers has sadly passed away at the age of 76. He was best known as the boxing champion Apollo Creed in the Rocky franchise. Later on he was recognized as CIA operative Dillon from Predator, golf mentor Chubbs from Happy Gillmore, and, most recently, as Bounty Hunter Guild leader Greef Karga in The Mandalorian. What people don't realize is that he also had a promising football career in college for San Diego State University and for the Oakland Raiders, as well as serving as a director for The Mandalorian. He was truly a champion in Hollywood.
"Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle."
-Carl Weathers (1948-2024)
Rest in peace.
#tribute #RIP #actor #legend
Harry Situation Reviews: Five Nights at Freddy’s (The Movie)
Happy Halloween, everyone!
Halloween is without a doubt my favorite holiday next to Christmas. And what better way to celebrate such a spooky holiday than to review a spooky movie. The long-awaited Five Nights at Freddy's.
Five Nights at Freddy's is a horror film based on the popular video game franchise of the same name. The film stars Josh Hutchinson, Elizabeth Lail, Piper Rubio, Mary Stuart Masterton, and Matthew Lillard. The film centers around a troubled security guard named Mike (played by Josh Hutchinson), who takes a night-time job at Freddy's Fazbear's Pizza, a family entertainment center that has been abandoned since the 1980s. Upon taking the job, he quickly learns that the four main animatronic mascots — Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, and Freddy Fazbear — come to life on their own, and have a thirst for murder. I mean, what would you expect from animatronics that are possessed by the souls of murdered children, am I right?
I'll first start off by stating that I am not a fan of the Five Nights at Freddy's video games. I've only ever played the first one and even then, I never understood why people were so into it, and still are to this day. Maybe it's the fact that so many Youtube gamers showed off different videos of themselves playing these games and seeing their reactions is what draws people to these games.
A film adaptation was announced almost a decade ago, but has been in development hell for a while, until now. Now that the Five Nights movie has been released I can say that this movie was terrible, but goddamn did I have some fun watching it.
There really aren't too many positives for this movie. I'll give it this, the movie was funny. Goddamn, I laughed so hard at this movie. But that is also serves as the biggest problem. While it's meant to be a horror movie, there were too many moments that had me laughing at the movie, not with it.
Which leads me to the real issue with this movie: it's not scary. You would think that a game mainly famous for its jumpscares would help motive the writers to try to come up with a few of their own. But no, the "scares" are so few and far between and they barely get a reaction out of me.
The story is very predictable too. Any sort of "twists" or "revelations" that this movie had in store for its audience I saw them all coming. Could the story be any more linear? Hell, if you've casted Matthew Lillard in your movie, you already know he's going to be secretly a killer. We've all seen Scream before. It's nothing new.
The characters are also bland as hell. We spend so much focus on Josh Hutchinson's character without any real reason to care for him. They tacked on the idea that he's looking out for his kid sister (played by Piper Rubio), and the fact he's desperately searching for information to what may have happened to his lost little brother. But in the end, I just don't care. He's not very interesting, and he barely expresses himself aside from maybe two different emotions. There is also a police officer (played by Elizabeth Lail) who is supposed to have a connection with Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, but her main purpose throughout the movie is to dump dialogue to the audience.
But despite this movie being terrible, I did have a good laugh about it. Honestly, this movie is on par with say Manos, the Hands of Fate or Samurai Cop. A movie so bad that it's entertaining. Besides, I get the feeling that this movie made to cater towards fans of the franchise, which mainly consists of kids, teens, and Youtube gamers. This movie was for them, not for me, despite trying so hard to appeal to newcomers of the franchise. So if you're a fan of these games, this one's for you. If you're looking for something stupid and fun, then enjoy your stay at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza.
-I laughed so hard at this movie
-Predictable story
-No real scares
-Bland characters
Final Grade: F
So those are my thoughts on Five Nights at Freddy's. Have you seen it? What were your thoughts on it? Have you played any of the games? What are your thoughts on those? Please be kind, leave a like and comment, and check out more reviews here on Prose!
Best Quote:
Mike Schmidt: "What's the pay?"
Steve Raglan: "Not great."
#harrysituationreviews #film #opinion #horror #videogame #ThisMovieSucks
It’s Been a While, Hasn’t It?
Hello everyone.
I know it's been some time since I posted anything on this site. My last post was back in June, and there's been a good reason for it.
For starters, I've been searching for a new home and have put all my efforts into doing that instead of writing. As of right now I can say that I have indeed found and purchased a home for myself, and I will be moving very soon. Honestly, I've feeling a mixture of emotions from this turn of events. Excitement, anxiety, sadness, the works. I'm sure many of you can relate. But yeah, that's one of the biggest reasons I haven't been on this site and why you haven't heard from me lately. I have a home now and I'm moving. It's a great place. Great neighborhood. Not too far from my work office and friends. It's perfect. So, I think I'm going to spend some more time focusing on that, getting things packed away, and then finally move in, starting the next chapter in my life.
Another reason is because I've been constantly tired so much. I have a bunch of reviews that I've wanted to write and post back during the summer, but I haven't had the chance to do so because I've been so tired from work. I already spend eight hours a day staring at a computer screen and the last thing I want to do is do more of it.
And finally, lately, I've been questioning my place on Prose. There are a lot of good writers and good friends that have sadly left. This isn't new, of course, but it hits harder when you're pretty close to them. Two of my dear friends, Finder and EstherFlowers1, seem to have left the site altogether, and the number of friends still here seem to get smaller and smaller as time goes on. I would have asked voiceinthewind if he knows what's going on, since I believe he still keeps in contact with one of them personally, but unfortunately, we aren't on speaking terms due to the two of us realizing we are not good for each other. So, I don't know anymore. Should I stay? Should I move on as well? That's the kind of conflict I've been struggling with lately. I do love to write, but sadly, the words having come to me as of late. And it saddens me that all those I've called friends aren't here anymore.
So, that's kind of where I'm at right now. I figured I should update you because you're all still dear to me.
Take care, everyone.
Jurassic June: Haast’s Eagle
Name: Haast's Eagle
Named After: Julius von Haast, a German born explorer and geologist.
Haast's Eagle is a large, extinct species of eagle that soared the skies of prehistoric New Zealand during the Pleistocene Epoch and early Holocene. This bird of prey was about the size of an adult person, with a wingspan reaching 2-3 meters in length (approximately 6-9 feet). They also possessed a series of sharp talons that grew to 49 inches. These talons were used to strike and grapple large prey such as New Zealand's large species of flightless bird called the Moa.
While being the largest eagles to have flown, it was also the heaviest. Due to its weight it likely could not have flown great distances but more likely soaring from trees to cliff to other locations.
Of all the prehistoric animals I've written about for Jurassic June, this is one of the most recent animals to have gone extinct. They have survived up until 1400 CE (common era) as man has become the dominant species of New Zealand and their main food source, the Moa, had gone extinct around that time.
#JurassicJune #Megafauna #bird #eagle #prehistoric #education #science
Harry Situation Reviews: The Flash
Dammit Barry!
Sorry, I couldn't resist.
The Flash is the newest and one of the final installments of the original DCEU before James Gunn officially reboots it. It features the return of celebrity criminal Ezra Miller as Barry Allen/The Flash, alongside Michael Shannon as General Zod, Jeremy Irons as Alfred, Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne/Batman, Kiersey Clemons as Iris West from Zack Snyder's Justice League, and Michael Keaton as an alternate universe Bruce Wayne/Batman, while introducing Sasha Calle as Kara Zor-El/Supergirl.
Barry Allen continues his work as the Scarlett Speedster but carries a heavy weight on his shoulders due to the trauma of witnessing his mother's murder and his father, who he knows is innocent, being framed for said murder. Once he discovers he can use the Speed Force to go back in time, he uses it as an opportunity to save his mother. Unfortunately, his actions cause a cataclysm of events where there are no metahumans and General Zod comes to invade the Earth. In order to save the world Barry needs the help of an alternative version of himself, an alternative version of Bruce Wayne, and the girl of steel.
Honestly, I was very iffy on whether or not I wanted to see this movie, mainly due to Ezra Miller's problematic history with the law in recent years. But I wanted to see this movie because it had Michael Keaton returning to, arguably, his most iconic role. Thankfully, this film turned out to be a good time, regardless of the film starring a controversial lead.
So first positive, and I hate to do so, but I got to give credit to Ezra Miller. They did a great job portraying two different versions of Barry Allen/The Flash. Yeah, they might be a troubled piece of shit human being, but they still are a great actor. The portrayal of these two Barrys was amazing. We have the older, more experienced Barry and his younger eighteen-year-old rookie self. Both play off each other very well. There's even a moment where older Barry gets annoyed with younger Barry's antics and just lashes out at him. To me, that felt like a real moment. Honestly, I think if any of us met our younger selves we'd be annoyed too.
Now let's talk about Michael Keaton's epic return as Batman. For some, this man was their Batman. Me, my Batman will forever be Kevin Conroy (RIP), but Michael Keaton is a close second. He's the man I think of when I think Batman. And to see him dawn the cowl and cape after thirty years is something to behold. He was easily the best part of the movie and a total scene stealer. Hell, I won't lie, but seeing him in the suit, saying that iconic line, "I'm Batman", and then hearing Danny Elfman's theme in the background triggers my nostalgia and puts a big-ass smile on my face.
The humor was on point. There were a lot of jokes that got a good laugh out of me. It's not MCU style of humor but it doesn't have to be.
The action sequences are good too. I liked seeing what the Flash can do with his super speed and it really shows off how fast the Flash truly is. Keep in mind that the man is technically faster than Superman himself. So, seeing him run around while the world is in slow motion, rescuing people and punching bad guys, was a delight.
Addressing the negatives let's start with the CGI. I'm not sure what happened but the CGI in this one was extremely iffy. I mean there were some moments that looked fine like Flash running through the Speed Force. But then there were a ton of moments where the character models had a very uncanny valley look to them. Maybe all their budget went into making the double Barrys because in other areas, even the Flash's suit, it did look great.
Another negative is that the two main Kryptonians, Zod and Supergirl, don't have a ton of screen time. Both characters seem to appear during the third act of the film, and we aren't given much character development from them. I mean you have Michael Shannon reprising as General Zod. You'd think they'd do more with him. But nope, he just appears in the movie, and he's not really the main antagonist in this film.
Keep in mind that this movie is supposed to be a loose adaptation of Flashpoint, which is an event comic that I really enjoyed, however I cannot help but say that this isn't a good adaptation of Flashpoint. I mean it has some of the core elements from that story: Barry changing the past to save his mother, him needing an alternative Batman's help, dealing with an end of the world situation, and ultimately rebooting the universe for better or worse. However, it all feels very messy. If you want a solid adaptation of that check out the animated film Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox.
Regardless, this is a fun movie to watch, and I enjoyed watching it from start to finish. I would recommend giving it a watch.
-Good performances
-Dual Barry's
-Michael Keaton's Batman
-Cool action sequences
-Iffy CGI
-Need more of Supergirl and Zod
-Poor adaptation of Flashpoint
Final Grade: B-
So those are my thoughts on The Flash. Have you seen it? What were your thoughts on it? Please be kind, leave a like and comment, and check out more reviews here on Prose!
Best Quote:
Bruce Wayne/Batman: "You wanna get nuts? Let's get nuts."
#HarrySituationReviews #film #opinion #DC #superhero #action #scifi #timetravel #multiverse #Batman