My Self, I and Me
What would I say that I am?
My own family helps me grow
They are always there for me
But then when I place all
My thoughts I have to think
Who am I really? What makes
Me-me, myself and I?
What ingredients or pieces
Make me whole or full?
In what ways could i come
To describe my own being?
My deep odd crazy self.
Okay then here I go &
Now it's time to speak.
What makes me different?
It's the place I was raised
And grew to love that makes
Me who I am to this day.
It's the way I love to travel
If I could almost every day ´n'
Also listen to Classical music.
I am the first-born in my
Family, and I love to find
Time to catch up with all of
My many dear and ever
Traditional family folk.
Who are such gems to me
That I will always treasure.
Thanks to my Mum always
Being there for me all the
Way. I have grown to love
Still needing her wise words
And knowledge of all things.
She is a super Hero in my
Eyes. I love her to infinity!
I am a traveler, reader, and
Also a future educator. I can't
Wait to help inspire young minds:
To learn, explore, discover, and get
Ready to face new grand challenges.
I believe that they will be able to face
Them and conquer them like Warriors!
Another thing that i know I
Am is that I am a lover of art, Poetry,
Movies, food, Yoga and so much
More; like the different natural
Environments and the rich culture
And history that comes from all of
These empowering distant places.
I am the daughter of a wise man
Who speaks like so many several
Main local languages that are quite
Hard for me to comprehend or
Follow. My Father a strong linguist
I will need to learn from him on
How to perfect my language skills.
Guess this kind of briefly sums
Me all up and for now I have
Spoken. I have given a short
Analysis on my self. I feel
That this does give a sort of
Quick description about what
Makes me who I am. This is me.