Cancer Sucks
I have been away from prose for a while. Life, as we all know, slaps you in the face every once in a while. This time it was cancer. Not me, but someone who I love very much, someone I grew up with, someone I share...
It is stage IV, which was unceremoniously announced to my family one cold, winter night not long ago. That was devestating enough, now I learn that one, one, one of the tumors has doubled in size the last two weeks. It is in a vital organ.
God promises that he will not allow us to go through that which we can not bear. He also promises that ALL things work together for the good of them that love Him. I love Him, and I trust Him, but this is so very hard.
Cancer does not just attack the person who has it, it also attacks the people who love them. Traditionally, my family has a history of heart problems. This is the first case of cancer that has ever turned up in my blood line. I always imagined I knew what families went through while fighting this scourge but, as is usually the case, I really had no idea until faced with it.
My heart, my prayers, and my love go out to all the families who are fighting cancer. God be with you all.