When people tell tales about how they came to be, I laugh. They go into rapture about the light and the dark, day and night, explosions, land rising out of a never-ending expanse of water, and I laugh. People go into theories on evolution versus creationism, and I laugh. Because the truth is none of those people have any idea about how they came to be. It is all one big guess and the truth is something most people would never even think of. In actuality I didn't create this universe, we just appeared as if an errant thought of the universe. You see, I am considered the creator of this universe therefore I know the truth of how we really came to be. My universe is simply one of the billions of multiverses in reality, we were thought up from an idea in someone's third grade class by a little girl with the name of Sarah. But, she wanted her universe to have someone to look over it and know all. Someone to watch out and create her ideas of the universe. So I popped into existence. Sarah has long since abandoned us, never knowing that her imaginings from third grade spawned a universe. I am the creator, and the caretaker, and I laugh.