"Something to hold on to..." continued. I posted something in @poeticasymptote 's challenge by the same name, not realizing it was in Romance and Erotica (my write was neither of those) So I removed it and am reposting here. Give me something to hold on to, literally or figuratively, to help me get through my day, or life.
Alone Together
I am comforted, in facing my fears
Believing, while mine are uniquely mine
Everyone, too, has challenges that bring tears
And, while alone, we are all intertwined
Nobody knows my pain like I know it
But, nobody walks the world with NO pain
We are all very alone, scared as shit
There's comfort in knowing I'm not insane
Misery, they say, loves its company
Pain, and true joy, makes us ALL somebody
That's, my friend, something to hold tight on to
I'm in pain, different, but just like, you