According to a 2017 study done by me, stardustfalling (PhD in imagination, depression, and depressing poetry), "I'm fine" is the most commonly told lie in the world. Write about it, in any format you choose.
I smiled at you weakly. Said I was fine. Just tired. I wondered what tipped you off. What made you ask if everything was okay. Did my face slip for a moment? Did the pain shine through my eyes? Did the corners of my mouth drop a micrometer too low?
I wasn't lying. I really was tired. I'm always tired. In several ways. I'm tired of life for one thing, I am also literally exhausted from both stress and lack of sleep.
Okay maybe I lied a little bit.
I'm not fine.
On one hand I want you to know I'm not. I want you, expect you, to see through my lies. On the other hand I am terrified for you to see through them. Terrified you'll keep asking me. I especially dread that, God forbid, you'll worry about me.
I'm perfectly fine.