Thirty-Two Glances back, One stare forward.
Hugging Knees to Chest,
I didn't mean for it all to fall apart,
'Tis such a sad sight,
Rainy days may fade away,
What about today?
That moment when it begins again,
People ask me why I write.
Stacking my plate high,
The room is spinning,
How can I truly be me in this state?
I can feel it coursing through me,
Billowing waves of cutthroat emotion,
When I look back at the past,
I look around after my choice,
Have you ever felt so powerless?
It's a sad feeling,
The depressive words.
I've reached that point where I don't know.
We put on fake grins,
They always say it's fine
Now it's just too much,
I long forgot the key to walk my path.
It's nothing to me,
I do declare Sir,
Death could be a beautiful thing.
The heat of the sun,
The light was bright,
Screaming, falling, gone.
Dangling, I'm a shadow on dawn.
I smile as I swing.
Here I am.