Where is Truth?
Quite simply, it is in both places. It is external and internal. It can be rational or figurative. Logical or fantastical. It can be as simple as black and white or as complicated as shades of gray.
Do I exist?
Is 1+1=2?
Do you love your mom?
Do you love the person that just walked by you for the first time, and for some reason your heart now wants to beat out of your chest?
Is murder ok?
Is murder ok during war?
Is murder ok when protecting your child from being seriously harmed or killed?
The deeper you dig for truth, the harder it can be to contain it.
This is the way it has always been done. Then someone finds a way to do it quicker, better, cheaper? Was a truth replaced by another? Was a truth made false?
Truth is an abstraction on it's own, but there are few that do not peruse it. Does that fact alone mean it exists? I believe that it does. I will never be able to prove it fully though, or at least not until I am on the other side (if you believe in such things)