Heart On Sleeve
I immediately fail this challenge as I am loath to create a fake username to hide behind, even though Yowwa is not my name it is how I am referred to by my biggest (and youngest) fan.
So then, here is what I would only tell a therapist, except it isn't as I'm telling you all as I do not have a therapist.
1. I self harm (though not with knives or machetes or other horrendous weapons. I smoked for over forty years and can attest to the harmful effects of nicotine. I no longer smoke, but I Vape, and in so doing I inhale nicotine which is a highly toxic poison. Hence, I self harm.
2. I often get deeply depressed about myself. I believe this stems from my past, either that or I am by nature so inclined. Often I am so deeply mired in depression I think of suicide, but have so far managed to reason myself from carrying it out.
3. I once kissed a man full on the lips (though it wasn't true love, it was for a bet). And he had a moustache which made it all the more hideous.
4. There is no 4. (Thank you Monty Python for that).