Create a new, anonymous Prose username and respond to this Challenge with it sharing what you'd otherwise only tell a therapist. Heal. Release. Transform. Rejoice. #prosetherapyexperiment
There is no therapist.
There is no trauma. There is no suffering. There is just this, and this, however named, is perfect. All is perfect. Perfect stillness, perfect knowing, perfect being. It is only when perfection incarnated, nirvana as samsara, forgets this one and only truth of perfection, of just this, that imperfection manifests and induces unnecessary pain - suffering. But upon recollection, perfection incarnated soon becomes reliberated from all previous suffering. All karmic debt, all psychological wounds, are instantly relieved consequent to this ultimate recollection, similar to recollecting a nightmare is not real.
Reality is perfection, and you are reality.