I Don’t Make Secrets About Myself
To my therapist? The last one quit because of me. I have no problems, really, aside the fact I wonder sometimes if I'm bi, which I believe is just overthinking.. I look as life's problems as a little challenge. I DARE you to get over her. I BET you can fix your grades. Struggles suck for a little while, but that's what makes them more fun to be fixed! So what'd I'd tell my therapist? I don't know what part got him. Maybe it's when I tell him how my day is going, maybe it was when I told him my life story. Maybe it was simply how I answered his questions. Either way, he looked at me like I knew everything, like how dark the world is. He knew I know something twisted as hell about everything. Yet he wonders, how am I still happy? How the hell am I still alive?