Remind me of this... and fight the good fight
Making me smile silently with these silly things
Simple beauty in this insane world
Thoughts of ducklings and standing in sunshine
A home of paradise in every picture perfect moment captured
Fresh air and trees, oh how I love trees
Singing along to my favorite tunes
Dancing from the high of a simple memory
Play fights with my troublemaking friends
Seeing something new, or for the first time in a while
When you get something just right
Sharing secrets with strangers from across the room
Finishing another book so soon
Happy endings, even if I'll deny it
Happiness in general, there isn't time in life for crying
Or liars, definitely not lies
Getting the words just right in a poem
Feeling motivated and accomplished at the same time
Eating something delicious, just because
Winning and success comes in so many forms
Doing something crazy, it's exhilarating
Living with no regrets
Talking of passions, baring your soul
The scariest are always the best
Breaking the molds of mechanical minds
Getting a chance to make a worldly difference
Paying it forward without consequence
Living with yourself in control
The power of freedom and every breath
Laughter is the best medicine, as said
Leaving the world's problems behind in the race
Accepting time, oblivion, as something you can't change
Being happy with who you are
Proving your potential
Making a change for the better
Writing this list of my thankfuls
Reminding myself of this beautiful community
And the list goes on and on