Out of the sameness and into the void
She came out of the fog of sameness
Where life was dull
People were painfully polite
And the things she desired were only whispered about
In dark corners
And *those* shops
Unspeakable things
Bruises and welts
Pain and pleasure
Sex and submission
Her hopes were high when she emerged
Bright and shiny
In a world where darkness often reigns
In the sameness she was considered beautiful
Desired by many for her wildness
A rare diamond in a sea of zircons
But here her naïveté and inexperience are a detriment
Her beauty considered plain
And the things she had desired
Further away than ever
Often alone and lonely
Left wondering what she'd done wrong
The blanket of despair gets heavier
Weighted with disappointed dreams
She's unsure what to do next
To stay or go away
All she really knows now
Is that she's in limbo between two worlds
Not fitting in there
Not meant for here
Not belonging anywhere