Write an informative/educational Limerick.
Philosophy Lesson #52- Brain In A Vat
What if you were a brain in a vat
Can you even imagine that?
You would think and you'd feel
That your dream world was real
While so grey and alone there you sat
You might think that you had legs and arms
And you might think that you could run far
But it'd be an illusion
Just meant to confuse you
Cause you'd still be stuck in your jar
And although you might not have a heart
As a brain you would be pretty smart
Except you'd never find
That your world was a lie
Now I'm starting to sound like Descartes
Yes if you were a brain in a vat
You would be very slimy and fat
You'd sit still every day
And right there you would stay
Aren't you glad you're no brain in a vat.........