Dead Edgar,
My favorite book is that giant book that is tan that I brought from Barnes and Noble, that I pick up whenever I need some refreshment on who you are.
I read it because I want to know who you are. Who exactly are you? How did you die? Nobody really knows, I keep reading in hopes to learn how. I want to know you as a person and I want us to have some kind of conversation.
I see you studied a lot of Shakespeare, Italian, and even Latin writers. You've studied stuff that I can't even get my hands on, can I get my hands on it?
I love you, because you don't just have hell in your poetry once like Dante, or create drama productions like Shakespeare, rather you are you. Whether you're talking about ringing bells (my favorite poem) or you're talking about a raven, or a man whose guilt eats him alive, you never fail to amuse me. I love you Poe.
Sierra Ayonnie