I smoked pot and threw a microwave at my ex boyfriend out of pure feelings. That day changed me.
That day made me realize what drugs were really about. Not every drug makes you feel good, not every feeling is good, and not every good thing is something to feel.
Now, I know I don't want to do drugs, be with that crowd of people anymore. I'm just willing to go about handling my life that way.
No, I'm not crazy, I'm perfectly normal, it's just that sometimes shit happens and you learn from it.
If it wasn't for that then I wouldn't know what it's like to find life and help from other sources. It's easy to blow problems away, but it doesn't make the problems go away.
I'd rather find solutions, breathe and drink water, meditate, write, and even talk to a friend every once in a while then to turn to something that can ultimately cause my life hell.