The lady.
Adult content. Violence.
"He was supposed to give up payment today Jase! Why don't I have the money on my desk?"
Jase rocked on his heels. Nervous sweat streaked his forehead. He could feel it trickling down his back. He didn't like it when the boss was mad like this. Bad things were about to happen.
"I'm sorry Cj. We went to his house, his frequents. Even his side peice don't know where he is. We can't find him."
He watches as his boss stands. He sees the anger, he sees the threat. When a pimp hasn't paid his dues, bad things happen. That's why the boss is so well known. So very feared.
Cj presses a finger to the button on the intercom sat on the desk.
"Bring him in." Were the only words spoken before the doors crashed open.
Two of Cjs heavies drag in a heavy set man wrapped in cling film. His naked upper body is cut up and burned. His body no longer looking human but more like a large tattooed peice of meat.
The boss walks up to the almost corpse and pulls the switchblade from a top pocket.
"Now Jase, make sure you're watching. This is how we send a message when payment hasn't been made."
Just below the clingfilm, the boss reaches out a hand and yanks down the criminals zipper. Pushes in the blade and draws a circle into the flesh.
The meat screams. Animalistic howls escaping the abused man. The ball lands in her hand. And she throws it at Jase to catch.
"Send the God damn message Jase. Or you'll be the message. Don't fuck with me."
And that's why Cj has such a name for herself.
They call her The Lady.