I’ve Spent My Nights Dreaming
I've spent my nights dreaming
of worlds. People. Places
that are not lodged firmly
within the comfortable confines
of my computer chair.
I've spent my nights thinking
of circumstances and reactions
of individuals I'd never want to be.
Characters that live and breathe
and want and love and feel.
Beings with aspirations
and dreams.
I've spent my nights writing
stories that are seen by
only one other,
and while the `other' changes,
I do not.
I am the constant driver of
misery and hope and happiness
and every other feeling.
I've spent my nights realizing
that I have to spend my nights
on something.
That it's telling how I'd rather
spend it in my head through text.
That I'd rather live vicarious.
I've spent my nights as a god
of loss. A god of a new dawn.
A god of constant change.
And I've found through pen
and text
that I make a terrible deity.