The Lost Meaning of Time
I stand in the large open field
The grass is short
as if it has just been cut
For hours I stand in field
Watching the sun
As it slowly rises into the sky
Night has become day
As time passes,
everyone gets up
Slowly I hear
Sounds of laughter
Sounds of children playing
Sounds of conversions
about the challenges of the day
Sounds of people going to work
Sounds of cars whirling past
When the sun begins to set
I'm still in the field
Slowly I hear
the sounds of people going to bed
the sounds of children
Being kissed goodnight
The sounds of the day
slowly becoming more quiet
Until there is nothing, but silence
Day has become night
I stand in the field
All night long
Until night again becomes day
Then I stand
until day again becomes night
This process repeating itself
Over and over
The grass growing
til it is as almost as tall as me
The change of night and day
becomes indistinguishable
Time loses meaning
And I feel out of place
As everything around me
slowly changes
The children grow old and die
And then so does their children
The cycle repeating itself
Til the pattern loses meaning
Til everything loses meaning
and becomes trivial