Sorry again,
You are sorry, i have heard it before, n before n before. Say it again. Go ahead. Ya, say it. I dare you, so many times, it doesn't mean anything to me anymore, words, empty words. Who do you think you are. 'I am sorry', 'I won't do it again', then you do it again, and again, and again. I think you believe it for a moment, just a moment, but the moment is quickly gone, then you do it again, you hurt, and just say it again, 'I am sorry', so poof, its ok, its all OK?. Ya, ya, i hear you, it don't matter to me anymore. I am numb to you, you are done to me, you are gone from me. You have hurt me enough, too much, too long, so much, that i chose to be free. So go on, go away, go away muttering, 'I am sorry'. Empty words, do you hear me, EMPTY WORDS, that is all it is, you are empty, hollow, a fake, a liar. Leave me alone. No more sorrow. I will be free, I am free. I am going away. You go away. Go away.
What? What did you say? Do you mean it this time? Will it truly be different? Can i believe you? I can. Oh thank goodness, i almost walked away. Yes, of course, i forgive you. No, no, don't be sorry, not you, its me that needs to be sorry, i was wrong, it wasn't you, not you. Oh it will be so perfect this time.
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