New writers.
The ones with a spark in their chest, excited to paint a world out of words.
The ones who, when their fingers touch the keyboard, or pencil, a shiver of exhilaration goes through them.
The ones who keep the other writers going--they are just so willing, with undying loyalty to the pen.
Well... At least, until they aren't "new" writers anymore.
The ones who look up to authors, with dreams of becoming just like them.
The new generation of words and literature.
Without new writers, there are no new books.
No new words to escape to when the real world seems too harsh.
New writers.
The ones who need support from older writers to get over their first wave of writer's block.
I respect new writers--as I am one myself. I am always excited to write. My first real thing of writer's block was just a little while ago, and Prose. helped me get through it. New writers, like me, look up to "older writers", who have been through it all when it comes to writing, and back again.
We have respect for you, older writers.
New writers--new literate souls.
New storytellers.
New word-spinners.