What writing is.
Being a new writer is scary. Writing down your deepest emotions or darkest thoughts for all to see. It might as well be on on your own skin written in your own blood while you stand naked in public. But there's a beautiful caveat to this. Writing in the presence of supportive readers makes the experience change drastically. It becomes a loving, warm light cast in a quiet room, where you sit in front of a block of clay. You grab your tools and scrape away everything until you find what's inside. Every hand of every reader helps you guide yours. Every laugh and smile and tear helps accentuate each line. What I look for in new writers is the spark, which many have, so we must kindle that spark until it becomes a healthy fire. With positive and helpful support, every writer can find their own way in the world of writing. It takes a village, to raise a writer, and that village is Prose.
The Carpenters Tools
Congratulations! You're here!
But it's a difficult time to write and the hunt is still on, retracing a lost sacred code whilst trying to escape from the sameness of the well travelled road.
Culture and class are becoming binary; zeros and ones, principles; arbitrary, oppression between a rock and hard place; mandatory - for zeros at least - stretched paper thin over pillars and posts of soulless pursuits and disappointing role models. This is an intellectual graveyard.
The question I find, for everyone, zeros AND ones of our fragmented house shouldn't be: Why do you support new writers? The question should be: Can we afford NOT to invest in the thinkers that will become writers?
I liken the tools of writing to carpentry tools because they sometimes need sharpening, restoring like those on a workbench. If you want to write, need a morale boost or a bit of support then the community of 'Prose.' can help - other times you need books.
Our interpersonal tools, when used effectively can help us shed our differences and prejudices as we come together on the worlds stage to build a house, call it a home and live in it.
Support new writers!
I’ve Got Your Back
It's a cruel world out there, people! Especially on the internet. So it takes guts to publish yourself for all the world to see. I admire anyone who is willing to expose themselves through their art. And I support all of them.
That said, I especially promote work that touches me. If it makes me laugh, think, cry, sit on the edge of my seat...whatever emotions it evokes, that's the stuff I love - and I'll Tweet it, post it, "like" it, and share it. I think that's the right thing to do.
New writers.
The ones with a spark in their chest, excited to paint a world out of words.
The ones who, when their fingers touch the keyboard, or pencil, a shiver of exhilaration goes through them.
The ones who keep the other writers going--they are just so willing, with undying loyalty to the pen.
Well... At least, until they aren't "new" writers anymore.
The ones who look up to authors, with dreams of becoming just like them.
The new generation of words and literature.
Without new writers, there are no new books.
No new words to escape to when the real world seems too harsh.
New writers.
The ones who need support from older writers to get over their first wave of writer's block.
I respect new writers--as I am one myself. I am always excited to write. My first real thing of writer's block was just a little while ago, and Prose. helped me get through it. New writers, like me, look up to "older writers", who have been through it all when it comes to writing, and back again.
We have respect for you, older writers.
New writers--new literate souls.
New storytellers.
New word-spinners.
The Translators
I support soul. The writer is a messenger between soul and the world. Pacing back and forth arms full of insights, emotions, metaphors, the writer spills the contents of soul onto the page for the world to see. A task full of trepidation and responsibility, the writer fearlessly forges on painting a collage that only this soul knows. The new writer, learning to navigate the path of deliverance may be afraid of what the world may think of their findings. The thought of sharing the tender soul within has detoured many from releasing their colorful inner reality. We need the writer. The translator of soul. Each soul is unique and through the writer we see the universe. Those writers who can do this with grace, creativity, and authenticity is worthy of support. After a long voyage into the depths of soul, applause and gratitude should greet their emergence back into the world.
Dico Ergo Sum
Cogito ergo sum does not suffice. Thought isn't what most defines our humanity, our intelligence, in my humble opinion. Dico - "I say" - is more fitting. To write is to express one's humanity in the most natural and powerful way, I think. I mean, I say. Ergo sum a supporter of new writers because of how pure and human their craft of choice is. Everyone is a new writer and within everyone lives a bestseller - a legendary author. But a jug fills drop by drop, as Gautama Buddha reminds, and everyone must begin somewhere. And it's that beginning - the inception - that I love most especially in the case of writers. I look for a sense of spiritual and existential adventure in new writers. The deeper, the more psychological and "meta" the content, the better. Language is a magic - a means to cast psychological spells and affect the wave-particles around one with whatever combination of words. Magic words.
Dirty, rough, real.
New writers are the future Nabakovs and Mahlers. They are the grit that sharpens seasoned, and sometimes jaded, writers. Their power is their unabashed and unapologetic voice. Doesn't matter if they are writing about teenage heartbreak or feeling unloved by their parents- if their courage is enough to let their voice sing out instead of hiding behind insecurity and cliche, I want to read it. Truth is always appealing, always powerful and never dependent on a huge vocabulary or wide experience. So new, young, untried writers, dig deep and vomit your crystalline facts onto the page. I'm waiting.
You never know who is behind the pen name.
Why wouldn't I? If a name was not attached would you be able to tell if the writer was published or not? Would you with any accuracy be able to guess their age? I read what is posted here and it rivals if not surpasses so many authors I have tried to read. I love the rawness of the voices. The ability to put yourself out there even if you are scared of the reaction. I think there is an innocence and genuine sincerity that some accomplished authors seemed to have lost along the way. They are able to write a wider range of pieces and explore original ideas that a person with a well known pen name may not be able to without angering their fans. In short I think there is less holding them back and they tend to allow more of their own voice shine through. And it is beautiful.