Dear Reader. Advice From An 8th Grader
Dear Reader,
The first thing I remember writing was a book that was All About Miah Standring. This was in 2nd grade. I also remember hating it. This is because the teacher that I had kept telling me I wasn’t spelling the Names of my favorite dolls and my dogs right and I remember crying because she didn’t know that that was actually how they were spelt. Then after that I remember in 3rd grade writing a book report and getting a B+ because I had a lot of spelling and 3rd grade grammar errors. I remember being so mad at myself for not being as good as most of the kids in my grade who got A’s. Then in 5th grade I wrote my first essay in preparation for my S.O.L’s and getting an A. That’s when I started to enjoy writing because we were able to pick our own topics. That was when I started to write for fun and I enjoyed it a lot. Then I went into 6th grade and I started to hate writing again because I couldn’t grasp the grammar. Now in 8th grade I am working harder and harder on my essays and understanding my grammar consepst. To help me achieve my goals. I hope that from this you learn that even if you fail and hate it, sometimes you have to push past that to help you become a beter person and a better writer.