I sit here waiting for you to see me.
For you to notice me.
For you to say how much you care about me.
For you to help me.
I like you.
A lot.
Don't you fucking get it.
I might be a no one to you.
But you don't understand.
You don't know who I am.
But I know who you are,
But how could you know me?
If you never know who I was?
Sounds like a personal problem
Why do I so this.
I need to stop.
I cry at night.
I need to stop.
I let this happen.
Day in day out.
I let myself get hurt.
And I need to stop.
If only you could see.
What happens behind the makeup.
I am a real person.
I have fealings.
I let you destroy me.
I let you walk all over me.
I let you kill me slowly.
Yet I don't stop it.
I am my own worst enemy.
Biggest Life Lesson 2
My biggest life lesson is that no matter what is tossed at you you wipe it off and take a shower. A shower to help clear every little piece of everything that people think will stick with you. That no matter what you are more important than to let yourself deal with that kind of stuff. Also that it is okay to cry sometimes at night. Just remember that at the end of the day it is your life and no one can tell you how to live it. And it is your life to have adventures with so there is no point of taking it away. That no matter what you have to fight every single day because they can't take away what you fight for. So always be proud of yourself even if no one else will be because as long as you are you don't need anyone else to tell you who to be or how to be perfect. Always take that shower to wipe away the days awfulness and all the stuff people think will hurt you.
Dear Reader. Advice From An 8th Grader
Dear Reader,
The first thing I remember writing was a book that was All About Miah Standring. This was in 2nd grade. I also remember hating it. This is because the teacher that I had kept telling me I wasn’t spelling the Names of my favorite dolls and my dogs right and I remember crying because she didn’t know that that was actually how they were spelt. Then after that I remember in 3rd grade writing a book report and getting a B+ because I had a lot of spelling and 3rd grade grammar errors. I remember being so mad at myself for not being as good as most of the kids in my grade who got A’s. Then in 5th grade I wrote my first essay in preparation for my S.O.L’s and getting an A. That’s when I started to enjoy writing because we were able to pick our own topics. That was when I started to write for fun and I enjoyed it a lot. Then I went into 6th grade and I started to hate writing again because I couldn’t grasp the grammar. Now in 8th grade I am working harder and harder on my essays and understanding my grammar consepst. To help me achieve my goals. I hope that from this you learn that even if you fail and hate it, sometimes you have to push past that to help you become a beter person and a better writer.
Biggest Life Lesson.
My biggest life lesson is that no matter what shit id tossed at you (even if it is real and not figurative) you wipe it off and take a shower. A shower to help clear every little piece of shit that people think will stick with you. That no matter what you are more important than to let yourself deal with that kind of stuff. Also that it is okay to cry sometimes at night. Just remember that at the end of the day it is your life and no one can tell you how to live it. And it is your life to have adventures with so there is no point of taking it away. That no matter what you have to fight every fucking day because they can't take away what you fight for. So always be proud of yourself even if no one else will be because as long as you are you don't need anyone else to tell you who to be or how to be perfect. Always take that shower to wipe away the days shit and all the stuff people think will hurt you. Also if someone throws real shit at you, you have the right to kill them.