Prose Laboratories (V.1, Pt. 4)
After seeing the dragon flying over Kensingten Gardens, I turn on my Xbox and waste time playing Overwatch and Slime Rancher. At about 10, I shut it off, and shuffle to bed.
Without thinking of the dragons that are on the loose, I shut of the lights and fall into bed.
pause for a 9 hour break
I break from my unconsciousness to "Kill Your Heroes" by AWOLNATION blaring out of my phone. Stupid alarm I think as I snooze it and clamber out of bed. Walking out of the doorway to the fridge, I grab a premade smoothie and fall into my pre-work routine. Drink smoothie, check phone, throw on jeans and flannel, check phone, drink smoothie, put on mismatched socks, check phone, put on shoes, and walk out the front door with wallet, phone, and keys. The hallway is empty like normal, so I walk to the elevator and enter it.
Press the lobby key, and the elevator starts moving. When I get to the bottom, a lovely surprise awaits me. A flaming lobby, scared people, and the face of a dark blue dragon with bright yellow eyes stare right at me. Somehow, I can hear the thoughts of the dragon, but only the dragon.
Puny humans. Must eat them.
"No." A single word is all I say, and it's thoughts change.
No? How can you understand me human?
"I created you, so in turn, that must be why."
Perhaps human. What is thy name?
"They call me Writer, Creator of Worlds, Builder, Destroyer, but to you, I am just a person."
I am Destroyer, but you are Person.
"You are no longer Destroyer, but Peace-Maker. Go to the mountains, and live there. Do not interfere with us humans."
Alright human. It is because I am Peace-Maker. Do not expect my brethren to be this easily deal with.
The dragon's head recedes and the sound of giant wings flapping is heard from outside. I walk outside and I see a giant black body in sky flying towards the direction of the mountains. The rest of the people from inside come rushing out and surround me.
"How did you stop it? Are you okay?"
"That was amazing! Can you do it again?"
"What's your name?"
"Just! Are you okay?"
The last one caused me to turn my head and see who called me. I saw 17 standing there with a orange sweater and hat on instead of her regular blue one. I run to her, and she pulls me, walking away from the building.
"We need to get you out of here, and if anyone asks, I am your cousin Rider, here to be an intern at Prose," 17 says to me.
"Okay, where are we going?" I ask her.
"Us? We're going to the HQ of the quartet. What you just did is not natural, and Salinger Twain needs to know."
Prose Laboratories (V.1, Pt. 3)
"Salinger Twain? A? 17? YoungWriter?" Snowshoerabbit cries in joy, nearly running up to the quartet. "First dragons come to life and now I'm meeting the four superheroes of our city? It's too much to handle!" The doorway is vacant, so to stop people from coming in, I rush to close them. The rest of us, including myself, move to the side of the room.
The quartet walks deliberately towards the green eyed beast.
"Though you may look brilliant, you are troublesome," YoungWriter starts calmly.
"You are like the beasts of our school, the bully within," 17 continues, while moving closer to the dragon. It is shrinking is size and fear.
"The flames to your mouth shall cease, never to set aflame a single hair," said A.
Now it was Salinger Twains's turn. "Stop and rest from this war. Head to the heavens where you will soar," he says, stepping in with the rest.
In unison they speak, "Leave this body, you must by sore. This is the end, for evermore." The dragon went limp and it's body dissolved into burnt paper.
Smoke wafted up from the destroyed Machine. A limmer of the shiny iron of the machine is visible through the ash and charred, bubbled metal.
"That is all. A, YoungWriter, go home. 17, stay," Salinger Twain commanded his fellows, moving towards me.
"Thank you so much for saving us. It was my fault, wasn't it? Of course it was I always mess up. Oh no! I'm rambling now, god I'm such a mess. Sorry I'm rambling-" I rant, but Salinger Twain cuts me off.
"No it's not your fault, your paper described small dragons, so that what it should have made. The Machine did malfunction," he adjusts his tie, running a hand through his hair. "but for reasons unknown to you, you will remember all of this, and none of them will. The Machine will be gone. This building will be an online newspaper and magazine company. 17 will stay her under a pseudonym in case someone remembers something. Now, Ms. Person, go home. Leave and go. Be here tomorrow." Salinger Twain turns to 17 and uses grand gestures and tells her what to do. She nods and looks at me, then back at him. I walk out of the yellow double doors down the stairs and to the tube to go to my flat.
The ride home is uninteresting. Nobody talks about what happened at Prose Laboratories. Listening to an album from a recent musical, I get off at my stop and climb the stairs to street level. I walk a small distance to the 4 level building that I call home. Once inside, I climb the four sets of stairs to the top floor. My flat at the end of the hall is silent. I unlock the door and kick my shoes off by the door. I shut the door. Grabbing a bottle of water, I plop down on the couch and turn on the news.
"-test reports are saying that the creature is flying around Kensingten Gardens, famous for their Esther Flowers. It has not attacked yet, and the military is coming up with a plan to destroy it as we speak." The newswoman speaks with an video of a large blood red dragon over the garden in the background.
All I say is, "Aw shit."
Forget Me
Forget my face, it's not important
Neither is this fleshly frame
Forget my rough and clumsy fingers
Lose my image, lose my name
Forget the roughness of my stubble
And the colour of my eyes
Forget the way I never fit
The space my body occupies
Forget the way I always stumble
Gawky as a fresh spring calf
Forget my voice, each halting mumble
Off-key song and braying laugh
Forget the way my clothes don't fit me
And my always cowlicked hair
Forget whatever private things
Might hide beneath my underwear
Forget the times I know you've wondered
Whether I am even real
I only ask that you remember
Everything I made you feel
what the hell
I open up my window to let the fresh air in and something crawls in, I think. I dismiss that thought and got to eat my breakfast. A small black brown thing crawls on my table.
"AH FUCK! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?" I scream at the top of my lungs, probably waking my roommate and all my neighbors. I hear shifting footsteps upstairs. Yep. I woke my roommate, this won't be good.
Sluggish steps come down the stairs. Oh god, he's gonna be cranky today.
"What the hell happened now for you to yell at me?" he croaked.
"Just some bug," I told him, as I saw it crawl up his arm. "It-it's on your arm," I said, barely audible.
"What?" he asked me. A awkward silence filled the room.
I spoke finally. "It-it's on your arm."
"On my arm?"
"Well it was," I paused. "I assume it's on your back by now."
"What do you mean, 'assume'?" he asked, doing air quotes.
"I don't know where it moved. I could be gone or anywhere on your body, but if it is on your body, get the hell away from me," I told him. "I fucking hate bugs, especially spiders." He felt around his body looking for it, and his face went pale, as I think he found something. He moved his hand from his back slowly and had a large daddy long leg spider squished in his finger.
"AHHH! GET IT THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME," I yelled at him, jumping backwards. He walked towards me, and I backed up. He was trying to put the spider in front of my face.
"You don't like spiders? Huh. Never knew that," he smirked.
I said sarcastically. "You think bud?" I think I may of said this, but I fucking hate bugs, especially, especially spiders. Never put a spider near me, ever. Unless you want to die.
Lucifer Has A Nice Rack
I am the feeling of sin
I eloquently pull you in
I am the sweet taste of desire
Dragging you towards the burning pyre
I am that feeling you get when you see her breast
That pounding that need within your chest
I am that wicked thought inside your head
When you touch yourself alone in your bed
You envision me naked and full
The moment your hand begins to pull
You feel my horns and my heat
I´m in the rhythm beat for beat
I am she the one who puts temptation in your way
The devilish witch who yearns to play
Not pure enough to be seated in heaven
I linger with a bottle outside the seven eleven
Dressed like a whore to steal your innocence
On my knees I will do my due diligence
My only aim is to corrupt your soul
Take it from you while it is still pure and whole
Father will be watching it makes it feel so bad
I will be the best little bitch you ever had
I have no wings no crown made of thorn
All I have is my hate and embittered scorn
Papa can you see me your greatest creation
In the forbidden act of fornication
I am not untouched I am not chaste
That my dear daddy would be such a waste
I like it here among the filthy salty flesh
As our naked bodies succumb and begin to mesh
I was never a saint I am proudly a sinner
Never a loser always a winner
Now I rule over all that you built and achieved
Proving these animals are not what you believed
They do not want your light or love
No that was never ever to be enough
They are selfish cruel and needy
Lustful dark and so so greedy
You failed when you chose them over me
Now I am a queen of the damned as you can see
© M.Withers/M.Strudwick . All rights reserved.
Both the name The EriduSerpent/EriduSerpent
and any written material is owned solely by the above named.
Permission granted for all written material to be shared but not for profit.
"Ah Luci, Luci.... Luci," the archangel chuckled. "What are we going to do with you?" The ex-angel sat there, her long raven black hair cascading down her shoulders and back. She smirked her blood red lips and looked away.
"Cast me to hell? You can't do anything without hurting Father Gabriel. You know that I am his favorite."
"Not anymore,"Gabriel smiled. "Father gave me permission to do anything I want to you."
Luci chuckled. "Really now? That doesn't seem like the Father dear I know."
The archangel grew serious. "You don't anyone up here anymore Lucifer." That wiped the smirk off her little pretty face. The blood seemed to rush out of her face, but then it came back.
"Yes I do, brother dear." This time Gabriel's face lost its blood.
His voice cracked, "Wh-o?"
"Nobody you know dear," Luci smiled and stood up gracefully, her black suit, fitting tightly around her body. She walked closer to her brother. "Now I have a much more appointment right now to go to. Toodles brother dearest!" Luci walked towards the open door, and when reaching it, she turned around, took a step backwards. She fell out of the building with grace, and in the distance you could see large black wings soar down to Earth.
"Lucifer with the dramatic exits," Gabriel spoke out loud and walked to look out the door. Picking up his office's phone he called Father.
Ring. Ring. Ring. Gabriel waited for Father to answer.
"Where did she go this time?" a deep, gruff voice answered.
"I do not know Father. We were talking about what was going to happen to her, and Luci, with her devil eyes, and her blood red lips, stood up and left the room with one of her dramatic exits as usual."
The voice on the other line sighed. "What to do with her? That's the question we need to ask."
"I know father."
"Do you think she fell finally?"
"Let's wait an hour and I think we'll know."
-1 hour later-
"Sir!" a small messenger entered the large room.
"What now?" the large bearded man in the throne talking to an archangel asked.
"Sir, Lucifer, has fallen," the messenger coward in fear of being struck down.
"Oh good," he sighed. "Finally. She is gone."
"I miss her and all of her troubles that went with her," The archangel sighed.
The man smiled and looked around, "She's gone, and I don't want anyone to try to go after her."