An invisible bell,
crafted in an instant and yet,
as old as our first meeting,
fell silently through a clear
but clouding sky and landed
over me, sealing me in place,
effectively freezing me
in position so that I could not move,
could not speak, could not do other
than simply be stunned into
silent inertia by the raw power
of something I had never felt
the icy bite of before. Words have always
been weapons, but I endured
insults from the playground
on up without tears and trembling;
I was called a faggot more often
than an actual gay person. You, though,
with five words - I later thought of you
as David, whose five smooth stones
felled a giant - caused the traffic
to stop, the birds to fall from the sky,
the sun to become enwrapped in
gauze so thick its light, even to this day,
is not so bright to me. What was taken
was only partially mine, and even
less partially known, but it may not
have been the words themselves but the smile
that embraced them as they fell from your
lips that split open my forehead,
letting loose not some fully-formed Athena,
but a swaddled misery, and yet around the
edges of the wound, a crystalline hope,
a dawning realization that you actually
performed a small mercy, though you surely
would not see it as such; because what
child born to a mother who with
calculating indifference can say
I gave myself a miscarriage
is most certainly doomed, and
so still entrapped though with more and more
freedom, though never less sadness and
never a diminishment of the cup of sorrow,
I hold sometimes, when I am alone,
a weightless grief the size and shape of
a phantom child, growing with years
to become almost lissome and true,
my small and selfish gesture, more unbearable
to me than any long and lingering dying,
because he (it was a boy, you were careful to tell)
was never able to fight against it. My arms
to cradle, my voice to lull, my eyes to
trail over symmetrical forms, my heart to beat
for the not knowing of you
for the not knowing of us
three times,
for the not knowing of what comes after
and then to stop.