Swtonhswinos swidhs fwtjohdme dnejknhld jnohsf jktnohsze dfsentpzoawrhty. O R I S I T? We never really know, do we? That makes me think that what we think isn't real. Maybe it's just made up of L E T T E R S. right? Maybe words aren't random L E T T E R S put together, maybe it's a pattern? We always thought that letters made words. But if that were true, then: sodntbfksmabticnslwbf would be a word that we use. But we don't. We don't use it because it's not a word. So, if L E T T E R S don't make words, then what do we use on a daily basis? We use ANAGRAMS! So, does life make these anagrams for us? Or do we do it ourselves? Where did words come from if not from L E T T E R S? If we didn't make the words, WHO DID? Who woke up and said "I am going to be the creator of the dictionary and make these words for everyone to use!"
Why can't we know the truth of where these words came from if not from L E T T E R S!? We know all of these words, and all of these L E T T E R S, but we don't know where they came from!
What made us start using words and L E T T E R S?
Who taught us how to read and write?
Why the change from pictures to words?