not even the gods can hold infinite bytes of memory. their flaws amplified by their forgotten vows. vows to become better versions of themselves. ARE WE THE GODS? are we the gods who roam planet earth like it's our throne? black ichor runs fast within white veins and makes us aflame with evil. those bytes that hold our sanity has disintegrated into empty-space insanity.
INSANITY; a ripple in our brains that sends our synapses into a malfunctioning state. an unfixable conflict that will forever leave us marred. WE ARE ALL INSANE. we've reached the limit of bytes, causing an immense overdrive. there is nothing that the celestial bodies above can do to stop that overdrive. thus we continue being the insane gods we are. the gods who's systems been overdriven with unforgiven sins.
those hundred million bytes of SINS that tortures our core, branding us with perfect scars. biting down the guilt that haunts us to our graves. WE ARE CURSED. we are cursed with shame and forgetfulness. we are cursed with the urge to kill the innocent; the one we wished to be. we are cursed with false perception, thinking that mirrors are the eyes to the very universe we stand in. NO. they are the eyes to a universe that doesn't exist and will NEVER exist. so stop looking for perfection, stop looking for redemption. WE ARE CURSED GODS INFECTED WITH INSANITY AND OVERDRIVEN WITH SINS. WE ARE CURSED GODS INFECTED WITH INSANITY AND OVERDRIVEN WITH SINS. WE ARE CURSED GODS INFECTED WITH INSANITY AND OVERDRIVEN WITH SINS. WE ARE CURSED GODS INFECTED WITH INSANITY AND OVERDRIVEN WITH SINS. WE ARE CURSED GODS INFECTED WITH INSANITY AND OVERDRIVEN WITH SINS.