Sense You Love Me.
I held you so close, so tightly and for so long, I could no longer feel your presence—
You became a part of me; everywhere I went, every thought I carried, each pain we shared together.
But over the decades and decades of human living, I forgot you were there;
and that it was a we stuck in here.
I sought comfort of solitude in escaping, and with each escape denied you ever were; talked myself into my own imagination and your fabrication.
But when I began to crumble you held me deeper.
Though I ignored you as I quickly and quietly broke, I always sensed your noise; my heavy purple cloak;
your hum in my drum of ear, warm pressures of the touch, scents of your energy—never more than a hush.
Dark escapes became my only channel to our memories; the sense, security, and presence of your love.
All you wanted was me,
here with you,
in our complete.
You kept me from drowning that day, and the dog tame while biting my face;
you gathered me up, helped me breathe and refused my blood to drain.
I broke and became your broken chore;
you wanted nothing but for me to recognize, and ignore no more.
With each drink I drank too much, with each hole I caused and piece I cracked,
made was room and I soon awoke.
With new space you came right through to this world where I once had,
and then lost you.
Your loyalty let me see once was our reality;
the once of holding you for air and sight;
your invisible love that pumps all life.
I remember a place elsewhere from here,
no body, no pain, no sun, no alone.
No memories to be forgotten, just a now and here and always, all in one.
I remember that.
And now I know,
And I hope I always do,
That I am a We;
You are a Mind of Mine;
And together;
We are a Whole.