Shuffle Judas
If you. Like me. Lived lovingly amongst your enemies.
Then no doubt you've heard the saying that irks me so.
Family matters. He's family bro. Never turn your back on family bro.
So true......
Unless you wish for a knife to be put there.
Ms. Then? You must trust? Strike two. Duck! Unless headless you wish to tread to and fro work. For your so called ride or die hoe.
A mothers love than most surely? As if'y as any other. If price you can't pay. Then love go another way. Would die for you. Yes. Only because it's easier than living with you.
What's expected of you. What the devil have you? There's a lie around the corner of every truth. Stop living like you don't notice.
Spare not your children. Quote this. Be sure they make note of this. Bullets for their chambers. Without them life is hopeless.
And blame never be a thing you can't get past. Fee you ask? The price of this Unbittered living spree. Whatever work done need be. By thee. Son of someone. Trap! Abracadabra. Had a good nap Pap? Snap!!! Sleep now like sheep hypnotized by their shepherd.
No not that craft me. So you sleep narcoticly. For as long as a trusted son still consider me. Now where my brother are you hiding?
Jesus. Come out come out wherever you are. It’s your brother. Just want to say sorry. My bad. I totally accept all the blame. I just want to make things right. You died for me as well? I'm assuming. Don't make an ass out of you and me. Let me atone for my sins. I wear no evil grin. "Eight" Go fish. "Son? Still hear? Has your brother arrived finally? " No papa smurf. A no. Go fish.