Hey to Myself
Hey to myself
How have you been?
It has been darker
I am okay, I really am
It's just the feels
It gets darker
Something tells me
It will get darkest
I know you are happy,
I know you feel fulfilled
I know you are motivated by your passions
I know you are trying to stay real
Stay true to yourself
I have been opening doors,
I have fearlessly opened doors,
I have welcomed the unknown,
I have sat with the difference,
I have been to a lot of places.
The places I go to,
The doors I opened
They are getting darker,
Can you feel it too?
At first, it was dark
I sought for the light
Now, it is getting darker,
I see the light I sought for
I just can't feel it.
The worst part in this darkness,
I am not trying to escape no more
I need to feel the darkness,
To know the light.
I am aware I will lose a part of me in it,
I might even lose it all
But I need to feel it,
I need to welcome it.
When the days get rough,
That darkness takes over me
Please, do not give up on me
Remember that I sought for light,
The right door will just be waiting for you
To open it and lead me into it.