Write the longest grammatically sound alliteration you can possibly muster. The longest such alliteration's author wins $150 if, and only if, this challenge receives at least 300 entries. Editing is allowed.
If you don't know what an alliteration is, Google it. Ensure that your entry is an alliteration and that it forms a coherent thought. Remember, editing is allowed.
Who was wonderfully worshiped walks with what was wickedly wolfish, without watching what was wrathfully working. Want warped warning, whereas we watched, wishing well with who was weak. What would we wail? "Watch what wolf walks with who?" "Watch what wants war, wildness, waste?" What weight words waft when writer's welfare wanes, when wickedness wars with what was whole, with who was whole, welcomed, wonderful. Whose will, will win? Wickedness withstands wishes, withstands winter, was wise when we weren't. We worry, we wrack, we want, we were worth work. We will ward who wants ward, we will work what will withhold work. We will war, with war.