Write the longest grammatically sound alliteration you can possibly muster. The longest such alliteration's author wins $150 if, and only if, this challenge receives at least 300 entries. Editing is allowed.
If you don't know what an alliteration is, Google it. Ensure that your entry is an alliteration and that it forms a coherent thought. Remember, editing is allowed.
Wendy Withstands
Wendy’s wallet wastes; waitress wage woes. Wendy weakens wheezing, wonders wordlessly where women win. Wrathful wrongdoers winch whiplash. Wallflower wings whisper wanton whims, wounds wrecking wisdom. Wendy wanders weeping, weakly wasting wonderment. Woozy whiskey winks, watching winter wildflowers wither.
Wendy’s will wakes, water washes warmly. Witchy wharf winds whip. Wry Wendy wields worth, wrapping wolves’ wisdom within. Woe wizens, wry wonderment waves wriggling wreathes. Winged whimsy waltzes, worries withdraw. Warbling wily webs wind westward. Worlds wonder what winsome Wendy will want.