"Sheesh! Semiconductor stocks soar" says Sam slowly and sadly to Sally, sitting in the sales aisle stacking short squat stacks of salad dressing, squinting strongly as she set seven atop seven. "Shit!" Sally sprayed her singular sound towards Sam, salivating strongly with sarcastic sentiment. "Shit!" Sally sprayed again.
"Seems strange so many stocks we saw as surely slipshod have soundly succeeded" Sam states succinctly, slapping Sally's side soundly. "Stop that" Sally snorted, sidling up to her supervisor Steve" "Slaps seem silly, but such salaciousness should stop." She simultaneously stroked Steve's shoulder as if to strike home the short strength of her statement.
Scared, Sam soon spoke. "Sorry Sally" he stated. "Seems I started something sleazy." "Sincerely sorry, so sure semiconductor stocks would strongly sure semiconductors would sink, not swim. So simply stunned by successful stocks I supposed
sincere sentiment should suffice. Side slapping seemed such a sensual statement. So sorry Sally" Sam said.
"Stupid Sam" Sally slithered her skin and soul straight towards Sam's startled selfhood.
" I savor your strong sentiments, you are saucy and satisfying. Let's share some significant, well seasoned sex."
"Sam almost shat his pants." Shalom.