I killed, I lied, I stole, and I died, thus marking my first date with God. Strangely, he had the anatomical structure of a human, but I couldn't see his face. It was canopied in a shining gold light. He spoke with a deep and imposing voice that would make the likes of Jeremy Irons and James Earl Jones jealous. I expected him to sentence me to the very depths of hell; Billions of souls screaming for forgiveness or Mercy while flowing in the unforgiving hellfire. Then I heard, "One more chance to write your wrongs, and the wrongs of others." I was shocked, and so were all of the angels that were standing by. I wanted to say so many things but before I knew it, I was sitting on a couch watching a video of Planet Earth. I realized then and there that I needed to right my wrongs and do what God willed. For the next several months, I worked at homeless shelters, gave food to those in need, and I even gave speeches at local schools advising kids not to steal or hang with anyone who treats you like your nothing to them. I did so many things, but my biggest moment of redemption came when I decided to turn myself in for the murder of Billy Thomas, a 12 year old boy I killed during a crossfire with a rival gang. I had managed to escape my Justice by threatening the poor boys parents into keeping their mouths shut. So, I traveled back to Los Angeles, and turned myself in... Along with my accomplishes. At the end of my trial, I was sentenced 30 years to life in prison. Surprisingly, It was the happiest day of my life. Prison was much like I expected, gangs and abuse by both inmates and guards alike. I was trying my best to stay positive while serving my sentence and for the most part, I did. Until one day, two men entered my cell and said, "This is what happens to snitches!" I remember every Stab and every tear that went down my face. And then there was light. My second date with God had arrived, but this time, I saw his face. This time, he opened the gates of heaven to me.
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