She,slayer or the system Slanderer?
Shasha shephord,showned sharpness that she squandered,shivered as the chandelier shone spire.
Shallowhearted,sassy,sophisticated and spry sharpshooters shamelessly shaped her subsistence shackeled,shrouded,shot;she shaken up,shared,shocked...
She,sometime spouse of a scofflaw,a sinner,soothed with a shipwright,Shawn and spliced with him.Shambolically,suspicions sprighted sharp,spry and shimmered substantially.Shroud shone snowy,squeaky and sallow.Shrieks shrilled.Shouts summoned suitor.Screams secured swain.She had shreded swearing of swain some stint before by smashing his symphony of smoothness.She shattered,shivered,surpassing her own self.She shall shirk and shun the solidity and substantiality.She again surmized;Was she slayer or the savage system,Slanderer?