How do you write? (Laptop, type on your phone, take it old school and keep a notebook or even, a typewriter?) Why?
How I Create.
I write a lot of ways. Sometimes, I feel the need for pen and pad. Other times, I love my laptop.
I use my phone for ideas. Apps and such. A novel idea is a great app to map out scenes and things.
Mostly though, I use my laptop. It's easier for me because I can type fast and my brain moves at a quick pace. The downfall though, to me, is that I get the chance to read it while I'm writing and if I stop, I lose my place.
I've become an organized writer. I type out scenes, lines and sometimes paragraphs to keep my ideas from slipping away. It's easier on a computer than it is by hand. My brain moves too fast for my hands to follow.