Wulgrew Brohn and Brimlers
I woddle upon the widdle,
And plith upon the ploth,
She glibs along,
Bloof bloof brong,
And as I woddle I fod and I wod and I vod,
My horg tivid with potation,
I hinnle and hinnle and quair,
Upon the tiggish and frob nutair,
That if leeged on mine trib and frit widation,
I would bottail any who swib or yib her flihation,
I coggle upon the kiggle,
And vith upon the voth,
She glibs along,
Zif zif zong,
And as I coggle I pog and I zog and I yog,
My vliz wollid with trotation,
I wiffen and wiffen and foon,
Upon the zollish and tret hoopoon,
That if hinnied on mine vil and zeet melation,
I would ceylees any who bleer or zeer her wilation,
I hoshle upon the hishle,
And jith upon the joth,
She whilns along,
Yoif yoif yong,
I lotzom her with wulgrew brohn and brimlers,
Until frilb noot and hollig doot do whilm her.