Word Worms
I think we have all heard of an Ear Worm.
That annoying tune that goes around and around in your head.
It was placed in your ear via an outside source, the radio, or that annoying person who is always whistling or humming.
Anyway, it gets into your ear and worms its way into head where it becomes a head worm, going around and around for hours and hours until you think it will drive you mad.
The only way you can get rid of it is to pass it on, give it to someone else.
Become that annoying person who is whistling singing or humming.
Do it quietly so no one really notices you are doing it.
Hum the offending tune quietly whist you are standing at the check out in the supermarket, or on the station platform. Infect as many people as you can.
Spread the Worm.
Believe me you will feel better!
I have many different worms in my head
Songs, tunes and annoyances in general.
I also have words buzzing around and around.
They string together and grow.
I call them Word Worms.
They grow and grow and torment me until I write them down.
I have so, so many Word Worms in my head.
So many, that sometimes I think my head will burst.
So I am passing some on to you.
Spread the Worm my friend.
Spread the Worm!