The Lie of Infinity
Humans cannot imagine a world in which
something could exist forever.
For us, everything must have a beginning
and everything must have an ending.
The end is a myth,
the beginning not yet passed.
A second in a minute-
A minute in an hour-
An hour in a day-
A day in a year-
A year in a century-
A century in a millennia-
A millennia in a split second of forever-
stretching on and achingly old and yet still so freshly new.
This is our own moment of eternity
-Not the first
nor the last-
but it is ours.
This slow drop we cling to,
this tiny insignificant bubble of eternity
that we consider so impressively huge.
We who cannot yet see that our whole universe
is naught but a speck of dust to all that exists beyond,
thousands and millions of generations
born and lived and faded to dust.
The transformation and evolution
of everything we know,
gone in the space of a heartbeat,
yet each millisecond lasting longer than we can possibly see.
This is infinity,
and it is something you and I,
in all our insignificant pinprick lives,
flashing fast and bright and shining,
reminiscent of the stardust making up our bones,
will never comprehend.
For infinity simply breathes and;
an endless line of galaxies and stars
and worlds and moons
and dimensions and civilizations,
lives and dies and begins and ends;
exists and ceases to.
And then infinity breathes again,
and the cycle is born anew.
So tell me again what infinity means,
as if we could trace its surface
with our single, second-long history;
measuring up to its vastness
with all the energy of a burning match
against the might of a thousand suns.