A Study on Definition
To love: an attachment, a bond, a connection;
The red thread around your ankle
The whisper of compelling, wanting, urging
A battle you fight because you know you must win the war
A wall you build to protect, adore, protect
To be loved: the elation, the solace, the trust;
A perpetual, resounding surety
The body that holds you, keeps you, warms you
The soul that lives in you to give company to your own
An ever-beating rhythm in never-ending cacophony
And to be in love: sun-storms and permafrost and a black hole all at once;
The deafening silence that rides on the coattails of catastrophe
Ashes and dust and the shield that makes you untouchable
The thunder of an ever-expanding universe, a centrifuge
That you see, you feel, you know, and so you move until you can't
(and even then you keep going).