/A\ Poem
sxhc sniff swaabing
hxc nostril dives,
futile exploration into thc
blissful abyss,
come up awake &, >< 'takea looka this'
---carved translate )( connection wireless
from fists swatting
'can barely type of things, worn nubs
Iav nothing uwanting'
Returndit about itsgrips
'so istash iquick in theeown
ahold it grips of istraps uh??’
& too too quite --likckitysplits
Inotebook_ike eh
smarts, catches on... snorts out
Play instructional.
'Listen, _isten, there is what iwill
is todo
With rhis when'. . multiply buzzing
iround mi returnd
Crop, crops i_midges
circles sygnals
sands rapid hovering
interceptions ofme
dunes of drones
symbols.so hcx shells
u’v everythingafter;
and listening about how
tosegregate moments to engage;
with the trojan icndroras platalate
morphing replicates
but awfflhee inextricably
waves irun contino0usly
rHis command:panel/
TLs almost get ahold
next :: to :: withinwithout
t-wild earnest we stepped in and over
and over toward
forms existential, granules
resemblance = hornets/fly
like bats/sized\from redirt
xight in & out lightning-
on brickred walls-ash if sifts
millipeds,-IMN clumps
back-forth scatterers
I-thoughts only
a ground, idug... iopen
And Half cliff eroded
---you life never flashes before
you eyes see/the emotionless
delayed flee—swarms release!
cuzzes ’fuc mi allergies...'
xhcinf[sneeze] soft enough
to the tremendous arrays
like the surveiillamce beams
at_knifed/ jystifalee t-kill
ione too many.processz.
Cricks in magnifyed glass/trapped
Steel jungle rings
Cover tunnels
within this backspinning
carpets of blue soil, tiny spyings---
so iboot heels in grips
to the planetary
near slip out
Off/clip // forgetit
ithe smeared tcT head
iso, sprayed ephemeral
instant form itakes
the vagged unsnaps
retracted . . . security-device
And ive shapeshift accelerated.
Away from nestings
With hcx intact
_Sim.entry\\Wars eliminated over secrets.
When thc alien come; we_destroyed.
moving on;:: when we aliens
son of the embraced, welcome;;;
united/ comets, against apocalyptic
events – solved existence.
Sage Ts allin rHis
Machines constructing machines
In ittle supercolonies//too much_
too much grease
Nithese smeared windshields
w/Methane consumed skies.
Quadra-cycle 100 ships /every 100 seconds.
Yet.... .... .... .....infecting
but By twiviolet shield
Tdevice plugs scan the aerial
views/soooo thread-pattern askew.
[jic] sim. F1typed thxaddress
but then erased,
as i says convertingand
wasnt sure
anything listening
to what to enter
or judging
without(b)that perfect plague- arising
(stars)-self proclaimed.
Anyway i-entered .... unheard
Ants nest comparably
igot damp
-muff of land between my fingers
-reaching wher it nearly
stung midead
when become sound trickling
untying, trying to
upload ime . . . .
When sack began pulling
Like gloved pencils
In a darkness fast, alerting;
‘w-wait wait whats this:?!’
hcx itranslate
vertical horizons typhooning!!
‘sketched art_ ifacts, ttt?’
walls ziplok
'not what usearch'
butkrnls xhc-packed
viral atsneak and UV
skimmers forrHis fix//update
as we ruminated in
Mars’ scene of thieves
Market streets??
Fleas pf caverns
Mud-soil red haze patterns
Bleeding oil razes
The teething planet rays
Like antihistamines spray
rHis pack //supermind
protects thc queen.decoding
keeps rewriting sim.to
upon upon upon
andso I grasp smooshing clay
particles staining straps,
knuckle clavicles
pinched neck spiderveins
left shoulder
half-fingers usee -----
here on MArs
wher_Fantasia - - light out there
That looks green
That’s where
We taking rHis thing
Andwill render complete