What do you mean you don’t like poetry?? First let me ask, do you know what it is? You have to define it. For me, poetry is all around us. It’s the kids playing in the yard, it’s the people waiting at the bench for the bus.
Poetry is the way a woman moves towards me before we kiss. It’s the rage of demons that comes in the night. It’s the little girl asking for just one more cookie.
Poetry is a dancer, full of energy.
its a bunch of grown men playing games. It’s the musicians moving there hands and feet to create music, which if you listen is probably poetry, too
Poetry is everyday life, real or imagined, that’s just told to us in a way to make us feel, think...
or laugh and cry . Its like anything else...its just a point of view.
So before you say you don’t like poetry...I ask you, have you looked?