You have the power to kill five humans a year, with no negative consequences falling on you. How do you use it?
No Excuse
If I had the power to kill five humans a year, I wouldn't
give it another thought. You see, there is no one on this
earth that could make me mad enough to want to undo
what God has created. I'm not better than him, nor am I
greater than him, so why should I defy him. I am nothing
until he direct me to out do myself. If five humans make
me so mad that I feel they should leave, then I should
try to help them to become better people. It's a reason
they are they way they are. And just like myself they are human
too. So If I had the power to kill five humans a year, I would
turn that power into something that will benefit me and those
around me. Someone somewhere have to stop the hatred. Let
it begin with me. I have no excuse.