Sedated Minds
Anxious minds are sedated by distraction. Swinging from a lifestyle of chaotic hurry To a plateau of spare time and relative isolation, One must turn conversation largely inward.
At first, an abundance of spare time seems a true reprieve, A cranial window allowing a gentle sea breeze to waft through and clear the stuffy room. Left ajar too long however, the draft can stir a tempest, Disturbing all thoughts and, with the most violent gusts, unseating all sense of ease. One must slap the window shut and bolt down one's mental belongings, pretending the wind isn't still in the room.
The storm of course is easiest faced when one is not alone. Often, the wind doesn't feel as strong. Is it distraction then, that eases the window shut again, Or does company draw the mind out of that room entirely? Are the drafty crevices of one's mind spaces reserved for solitary confinement? If so, let us all become weathered sailors capable of facing every storm, with our crew of deckhands always nearby should we need saving.